Mastodon 's eighth studio album Hushed and Grim is an epic exploration of loss. It has been four years since 2017's Emperor of Sand. After the last couple of years of death, and grief the band has released on this double album is a testament to their emotional maturity to use music as a vehicle to explore personal loss, and the complex process of mourning and grief. This album explores the impact of their loss of late manager, Nick John, who passed away in 2018. It is a vulnerability most bands do not wield in their arsenal, but Mastodon have a history of processing personal experiences to inspire the content of their work. The album was produced and mixed by David Botrill, known for producing Peter Gabriel, King Crimson, Tool, and many more. I will admit, I have not been into Mastodon since Blood Mountain and Leviathan , I found their albums since then just not vibing with me, they also did not grab my attention as Hushed and Grim has. It is a lon...
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